Hurricane Readiness and Preparedness

This is one of the things that make me wish i had started Facility Science years ago. Preparing for inclement weather is a unique part of facility management and not too many things are scarier that a hurricane or tornado.

Good luck out there to all my facility professionals affected by the hurricanes over the past weeks. Be safe.

Drop to the bottom to see my recent post on hurricane readiness and also check out this document about hurricane preparedness for waste treatment facilities put together by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. And here are some other links you may find useful.

Hurricane and Flood Mitigation Handbook for Public Facilities
The Hurricane and Flood Mitigation Handbook for Public Facilities (referred to as the Handbook) presents 30 fact sheets in addition to this introductory fact sheet that provide technical guidance and recommendations for applying mitigation best practices. The fact sheets contain information aimed at improving public facilities and other infrastructure vulnerable to damage caused by flood and wind. This Handbook presents best practices developed from decades of hurricane and flood disaster evaluations.
Back to Basics: Preparing Your Facility for Hurricanes - Facilities Management Advisor
This year’s hurricane season began on June 1, so it’s time for facilities management professionals to prepare. This is important because above-average hurricane activity is predicted for 2022 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center. Specifically, forecasters believe there could be 14 to 21 named storms, including 6 to 10 hurricanes, with 3 to 6 of those being severe.
3 Post-Hurricane Safety Precautions for Facility Managers - AlertMedia
Facilities managers are usually the first to return after a hurricane. This article details 3 post-hurricane safety precautions they should keep in mind.